Art Stuff
Welcome! 2

Hey, Welcome to Bunny's Place! <3

On this little spot on the internet I mostly post art I create, photos and anything that interests me.

A Little Preview!
Sparkly Sparkly Sparkly Sparkly
About Me

About me...

My name is Bunny, I am currently 25 years old and an art student, specifically illustration.

I started this website because I felt a certain doom using more common social medias. It felt too overfilled and not personalised. I missed that...

So, I taught mysef how to code just a little and made this website to share some of my art and have a place to display some of the blinkies I made!

I also put some of my other .gifs on here as well as some pictures of insects and nature I took! Especially mushrooms really do have a place in my heart!

I do hope to share more and learn more and I hope you enjoy scolling through my website!

xoxo, Bunny <3

Section Title IV

  • Added the Chatbox, Blinkies Page and coded the Top-Navbar 30/12/24
  • Added the Updatel0g 1/1/25

  • Made Top-Navbar stick to the stop, as well as the ButterflyGirl (Don't ask me how I did that. I don't know.) and the Place Name! 1/1/25, 2/1/25 Also Neocities was buggy for a bit today!
  • Changed the Favicon to a Bunny and sized up the cursor + added mushrooms 3/1/25
  • Added more dollz on the top and changed the bg on Trigedasleng to Polis, also updated the mushrooms-page layout and added Top-Navbar 4/1/25
  • Added a doll 5/1/25
  • Finished updating Trigedasleng site, it now has the updated stylesheet! Same with the Mushroom Site! 8/1/25
  • 11:04